EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 May
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso
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69 lines
Short: Add events to your IFF-anims, v1.11
Author: vigi@cybercomm.nl (Marco Vigelius)
Uploader: vigi@cybercomm.nl (Marco Vigelius)
Type: gfx/edit
What is AnimatED?
It's the follow-up to CartoonStudio. It also allows you to add sound and timing
to your IFF-animations but it has much better support for different screenmodes
and has a completely new userinterface. It's still as easy to use as CartoonStudio,
everything is controlled with the mouse. Let's introduce some powerful features
available in AnimatED:
* Support for IFF-animations (modes 5 and 7).
* Support for all screenmodes (including AGA),
* IFF-soundsamples, which can be played through any channel you like.
You can also set the volume and the pitch at which the sample will be
played. Looped soundsamples are supported.
* Framespeed, change at any point in your animation the speed at which
your animation is played. The speed is measured in Frames Per Second.
* Wait, pause your animation for an amount set in seconds.
* Play Sound-/Noise-/ProTracker modules during your animation.
* Easy to use GUI.
* Your finished productions can be easily played back in realtime using
the stand-alone freely distributable AnimatEDPlay program.
What are the system requirements?
For AnimatED you'll need an Amiga with at least Kickstart 2.04 and 2Mb
of memory, more memory is recommended. AnimatED also needs a 68020
processor or better.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2427 818 66.2% 22-Feb-97 10:38:50 +AED_OrderForm
34799 11938 65.6% 22-Feb-97 18:21:50 +AnimatED.Guide
2104 1854 11.8% 25-Nov-80 02:53:48 +parp
264 31 88.2% 15-Dec-96 17:58:52 +thinpaz.font
2232 1380 38.1% 28-Sep-93 15:08:34 +8
847 337 60.2% 22-Feb-97 13:18:40 +ReadMe.info
135420 62346 53.9% 09-Feb-97 15:39:22 +AnimatEDTalk
48760 18123 62.8% 27-Jan-80 03:21:08 +bachmix.mod
454 274 39.6% 22-Feb-97 10:47:28 +DogTalk.AED
4039 2701 33.1% 22-Feb-97 10:47:28 +DogTalk.AED.info
156 109 30.1% 22-Feb-97 13:16:46 +intro.txt
4043 2722 32.6% 22-Feb-97 13:18:40 +AnimatED.Guide.info
4027 2676 33.5% 22-Feb-97 13:18:40 +AnimatED.info
77568 38810 49.9% 22-Feb-97 10:44:38 +AnimatEDPlay
4027 2701 32.9% 22-Feb-97 13:18:40 +AnimatEDPlay.info
29436 18525 37.0% 09-Feb-97 15:51:28 +AEDDogTalkSample
716 412 42.4% 22-Feb-97 10:33:18 +ReadMe
1237 748 39.5% 22-Feb-97 18:21:58 AnimatED.info
847 338 60.0% 22-Feb-97 13:18:40 +AED_OrderForm.info
172748 67255 61.0% 22-Feb-97 13:14:34 +AnimatED
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
526151 234098 55.5% 23-Feb-97 03:32:56 20 files